Life is beautiful, but nobody said it would be easy 😊. First, see it that way, and later be able to live that way too.
This blog is not a set of instructions or a manual on which path you should take, which patterns to follow, or which goals to set. I wrote this and other books so that you can enjoy more freedom, love, and acceptance on your unique journey through life. I'm simply sharing my personal recommendations, which have been helpful to me on my own journey. You are welcome to try a few of my steps, but remember to look beyond my words and listen to where your own journey is heading. Identify your own priorities, not the ones influenced by parents or society. Notice how these points resonate with you, adapt them to yourself and your individuality, and keep adjusting them as you develop.
We are talking here about long-term change and development possibilities that make life much more pleasant and relaxed. I don't want you to follow my path; I want you to use my perspective to become more aware of your current situation. Be loving, patient, and continue on your own individual and independent way, with more acceptance, perception, understanding, love, and freedom from social patterns.
Can we spend our time together in this life, on this planet, more enjoyably?
Life is complex, so we need to look at various points and cultivate multiple aspects. I am aware that societal rules have a significant influence on many people, and rules and patterns are useful tools on our journey. However, it is still important for everyone to regularly assess their situation, environment, feelings, and future direction. Many people don't do this because they are busy with their so-called "life," often shaped by outdated societal or parental expectations.
Where is your true self?
Where on your priority list is your true personality, your unique goals, the body that carries you every day, your financial strategy? Where is your being—inside and out?
Let me explain a bit more about my personal perspective before I continue writing.
My basic point: “I know nothing.”
I am aware there is a lot I don't know, and I accept it. I also accept that I don't need to know everything. Life is about living, feeling, loving, accepting, and enjoying, not about identifying patterns that can become comfortable but reduce our flexibility in the present moment. All important information for my growth is shown through attraction.
I try to save as little information as possible daily. We can Google 90% of information anytime, anywhere. Because "I don't know," I often rely on my intuition according to the situation and my feelings. For example, in similar work situations, I observe how my output changes with my development and the resulting consequences.
Experiences cannot be adequately described in words. My intention is to give you the opportunity to experience things freely and decide for yourself what to do with these experiences.
Specialization and perspectives:
This is a simplified version, and I realize that many people specialize in these areas and could provide deeper insights. Others might not believe in many things I discuss. That is fine because I am speaking from my point of view, and we are all in different positions and directions in our individual development processes. Everyone is right in their perspective based on their past. We are here together to share, grow, develop, observe, talk, work, and support each other. Life is not a competition about who is better or who is right.
Universe and spirituality:
There is a universal energy, whether called God, Allah, Pachamama, or anything else. For me, it is the Universe, an energetic flow of peace and love connecting us all. This lifetime is just a small part of it. Whether you believe in multiple incarnations or just this one lifetime, the Universe is an infinite space of loving balance.
Current lifetime:
In this lifetime, we experience love, karma, social and family patterns, individual childhood patterns, development, communication, connections, decisions, consequences, mind, dependency, support, body, emotions, finances, encounters, and attraction. I began my journey of consciousness, life changes, adjustments, and individualization at 20. Each program or pattern has a different presence in our lives, and some need time, experiences, and maturity to reveal themselves.
Please, no comparisons. My path and pace are unique to me, just as yours are to you. This makes our lives exciting. You have your path, your experiences, your parents, decisions, and environment. Yet, we are connected through this blog.
This blog is a learning lesson for both you and me. I am also gathering experience, learning, and developing here. Everything I present is from my perspective and experiences or how it feels internally in my connection.
These are just facts I would like to share, and you can see what resonates with you. Doing nothing is also a decision and could be the right one for you.
My point of view is simple: each of us is an individual, and I assume everyone wants to live out their individuality with joy, love, and contentment, surrounded by pleasant people, developing together, growing, and achieving goals, no matter the area.
If I'm wrong, that's okay. This information is my perspective. Please stay open. Even if it doesn't resonate with you, I share this information and energy neutrally for a better perspective. You can choose what suits you.
Information itself is neutral. Only our perception based on our personality shows us how we receive it.
Duality exists in every respect, consciously or unconsciously. This is unknown to us at birth—there is no user manual for life. This duality is present in everything: day and night, man and woman, adult and child, patterns and the lack thereof, and more.
The universe exists in a duality, and so do we. This balance must be recognized, accepted, and experienced as our individual perfection. Every encounter we have is in perfect balance, reflecting our development. Children reflect their parents uniquely, offering opportunities for shared challenges.
A big misunderstanding in the interpretation of duality is the tendency to set firm boundaries and create standardized patterns. Life is fluid, loving, and flows without boundaries. This gives us the opportunity to practice flexibility and live in the moment with freedom and love.
Now we continue to the topic of balance in duality. Balance means something different to each person. It involves conscious and unconscious aspects shaped by our unique experiences and development. There is no classification of good or bad, sufficient or insufficient. Our current situation is our starting point. From there, we see where adjustments are needed based on conscious control, feelings, and thoughts.
Everyone has their own path, different in length and speed. Self-acceptance, respect, love, and openness should be present, without judgment or pressure. My goal is not to make you walk someone else's path but to spread awareness and give you the opportunity to touch your deep inner self.
By observing, questioning, and taking time, we can understand, learn, and grow together. We are unique, and our combination of karma, body, patterns, consciousness, strengths, and weaknesses makes us special. This combination is a gift and a tool for our life journey. We should explore it from every side, be grateful, and be loving towards ourselves.
Be aware of your responsibility and use it on your journey to enjoy life. Everything in the universe is duality, which should be recognized, accepted, and experienced as individual perfection.
Encounters happen in perfect balance, reflecting our development. Jin and Yang are mirror images, balanced yet opposite. Every encounter reflects this balance, presenting opportunities for growth.
Understanding Jin and Yang is essential. Life flows without boundaries, allowing us to practice flexibility and live in the moment with freedom and love. Mistakes are part of the journey, offering new opportunities to learn and grow.
We should be aware of our strengths and weaknesses, accepting them as part of our unique gift. This balance allows us to use both to our advantage and for greater clarity.
Life is a gift, an opportunity to learn, love, perceive, develop, and enjoy. We have our fears and insecurities, but as long as our experiences only cost time and money, and we are healthy, everything is okay. Try and test within your feelings, and see what you learn.
You should regularly and consciously look at certain aspects of your life to enjoy your possibilities:
What does your body look like? Is it healthy? Take care of it with awareness.
Loans, credit cards, safety accounts, investments, multiple incomes, patterns, and financial intelligence.
Karma, attitudes, programs, attraction, and the law of attraction.
How you live every day and how they are realized and lived.
Interpersonal relationships with parents, children, partners, friends, colleagues. Starting, receiving, leading, ending, letting go, patterns.
These areas are foundational for the law of attraction and mirror our inner selves.
If you have questions or need support, let me know.